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  • Dr. Christa O'Leary

Seasonal Allergies: What to Do With the Sneezing, Tearing, and Coughing

Seasonal allergies are a bummer. They can make you feel like your head is going to explode, and they often show up when it's the most inconvenient time - like right before an important meeting or at work. The good news is that there are many things you can do to avoid these symptoms and live a more allergy-friendly life. In this blog post, we'll discuss some of the best ways to deal with seasonal allergies, so you don't have to suffer from sneezing, tearing and coughing.


These are the most common medications prescribed for seasonal allergies, and they work by blocking histamine. They can be taken on a daily or as needed basis. Antihistamines should not be used in place of over the counter medicines like ibuprofen to treat pain - but may help to reduce symptoms such as congestion and coughing.

Intranasal Corticosteroids

A doctor may prescribe these drugs to help with nasal congestion. They work by reducing inflammation, swelling and mucus production in the nose. This is an excellent option for people who suffer from seasonal allergies because they are not available over-the-counter - so there's no worry about taking too much.


If your home is dry, adding a humidifier can help to protect against symptoms like itchy eyes. The high humidity in the air will not only create moisture for your skin but also increase mucus production and airflow through nasal passages. It's a great option for kids who are experiencing allergies.

Wash Clothes Daily

Clothing can build up allergens and other irritants over time, so it's important to wash clothes on a regular basis - especially if you're sensitive or have asthma. The best way to do this is using the appropriate detergent for the fabric.

Steam Inhalation

Steaming can help to open up your nasal passages and provide relief from congestion. You'll need a pot of boiling water, towel for steaming face/head, and bowl or small basin with cold water nearby. Boil some water in a pot on the stove until it's bubbling and steaming. Place a towel over your head and face, lean over the pot of steamed water for 30 seconds or so. Remove towel from head after you've inhaled deeply through both nostrils - then pour cold water into bowl to cool down steam before leaning back in again if needed.

Vitamin C+Zinc

Taking vitamin C with zinc may offer some relief from seasonal allergies. The vitamin C will help to reduce inflammation, while the zinc may have a calming effect on histamine release and other allergic symptoms.

Nasal Saline Rinse

Some people believe that nasal saline rinses can be helpful for reducing congestion due to seasonal allergies - but this is not something your doctor would prescribe.


If you are experiencing seasonal allergies, the first thing to do is speak with your doctor about what treatment options might be best for you. Armed with a list of symptoms and any medications or treatments that have been prescribed in the past - it will help them determine the next steps going forward. Have questions? We're here to help! Call us today at (830) 992-3042.

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